Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council


Salehurst & Robertsbridge is one of the larger parishes in East Sussex and lies mid-way between Tunbridge Wells to the north and Hastings to the south on the main London to Hastings road, the A21.


The parish is entirely contained within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


More information about the history and organisation of the parish can be found at About the Parish.

Latest News


Further Update on Highways Works Station Road and Brightling Road
25th Jul 2024


*UPDATE 25/7/24 *(we will post further updates here and on our website as we receive them).


OVERNIGHT WORKING should only apply to Phase 3 (High Street at junction of Station Road) on the weekend of 3rd and 4th August.


All other phases of the work will be undertaken DURING THE DAYTIME but sometimes span weekends as well as weekdays (see the phase plan for details).


Although labelled as 24 hour closure on the Highways website, as the work is being completed in phases LOCAL ACCESS DURING THE DAYTIME AND OVERNIGHT WILL BE MAINTAINED WHERE POSSIBLE AND WHEN SAFE TO DO SO.


Although it will be necessary to CLOSE our car park on Station Road next to the Club from Monday 29th July to Thursday 1st August the Primary School have very kindly given permission for any residents who normally park in the car park to park their cars in the turning circle and the staff car park at the primary school whilst our car park is closed. Alternatively you can park on George Hill (please keep to the school side where possible). The toilets will remain OPEN.


Please cooperate with the Highways team so that the works can be completed as quickly as possible.





Please see below the current phase plan for Station Road, Robertsbridge. This is very much subject to change and the exact locations may move slightly on site based on effectiveness and on the ground deliverability. Access will be maintained for residents wherever possible, as always, they should talk to the team on site regarding access. The subcontractor will undertake public liaison for businesses within the area to let them know when they may have restricted access.




1 29/07 - 01/08 High Street to outside Provident Cottage


2 01/08 - 03/08 Provident Cottage to bridge


3 03/08 - 04/08 High Street at junction of Station Road


4 03/08 - 06/08 bridge to near number 11


5 06/08 - 07/08 near number 11 to Village Hall entrance


6 08/08 - 12/08 Village Hall entrance to outside The Ostrich


7 12/08 - 16/08 outside the Ostrich to level crossing


8 16/08 - 21/08 level crossing to Mill Rise junction


9 21/08 - 24/08 Mill rise junction to outside number 15


10 24/08 - 30/08 outside number 15 to outside Ashdown


11 30/08 - 02/09 Outside Ashdown to outside Maryland


12 02/09 - 04/09 outside Maryland to Darvell Lodge (including Bishop's Lane junction)







Update on Highways Works Station Road and Brightling Road
23rd Jul 2024


The following information has been received from East Sussex Highways:


Timetable of works on Station Road and Brightling Road

(this may change).

1 29/07 - 01/08 High Street to outside Provident Cottage

2 01/08 - 03/08 Provident Cottage to bridge

3 03/08 - 04/08 High Street at junction of Station Road

4 03/08 - 06/08 bridge to near number 11

5 06/08 - 07/08 near number 11 to Village Hall entrance

6 08/08 - 12/08 Village Hall entrance to outside The Ostrich

7 12/08 - 16/08 outside the Ostrich to level crossing

8 16/08 - 21/08 level crossing to Mill Rise junction

9 21/08 - 24/08 Mill rise junction to outside number 15

10 24/08 - 30/08 outside number 15 to outside Ashdown

11 30/08 - 02/09 Outside Ashdown to outside Maryland

12 02/09 - 04/09 outside Maryland to Darvell Lodge (including Bishop's Lane junction)


Access will be maintained for residents wherever possible, as always, they should talk to the team on site regarding access. The subcontractor will "undertake public liaison for businesses within the area to let them know when they may have restricted access.


Resurfacing of Station Road and Brightling Road
27th Jun 2024


Thank you to everyone for their support in lobbying for this work.


Monday 29th July to Friday 30th August resurfacing from the junction of Station Road with the High Street to the Darvel entrance (Bishops Lane) will be undertaken in phases overnight at weekends only. Access to Station Road will be restricted for residents for the duration of the works. The road will be closed for 24 hours each day with a diversion route in place but emergency vehicles will still have access. At times there will be 'no parking' signs at different locations. Residents and businesses will receive further information by post and there will be advance road signs. Details will be provided at


Before the resurfacing takes place there will be investigatory works from Monday 8th July to Saturday 13th July 7pm to 6am.